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Gear Spotlight: SYNC's Customized BJ Adapter

Writer's picture: T.J. CrumeT.J. Crume

We know that your thinking, but no, this is not that kind of adapter. Though in some grip circles, this Matthews Studio Stand Adapter is known by an even more colorful name, the "butt plug". (In even smaller circles, it is known as a turtle plug.)

This adapter slips into a standard 1 1/8" Junior receptacle and terminates in a standard 5/8" Baby Pin, helping you customize your stands to suit your needs. Here, in this

AWESOME video by Dave Donaldson of Grip Tips we see some interesting ways to use this adapter.

  1. Problem: You need to mount a light super low and you don't have a low roller.

  2. Solution: Use the turtle base of a C-stand, pop this adapter in, mount your light and you're in business

  1. Problem: You need to mount a light up super high and you only have a mombo combo

  2. Solution: Luckily, all mombo combos have a junior female receptacle so again, you just pop the adapter in, mount your light and raise it up! What makes this useful piece of grip even MORE useful, is that SYNC has had the 5/8" baby pin ground down on one side of some of our adpters. How is that useful, you ask? WELL, in certain situations, one may need to attach a head, frame, flag etc.  and tilt or angle it. If your pin is completely round, that light, flag, etc. may have a tendency to slide. Having a flat surface on the one side provides extra grip for your mounting screws and this makes your set up more secure, safe and reliable! Just attach this adapter to your Mega Boom, mount your light and get shooting!

Got any other tips and tricks for this adapter? Comment below or drop us a line. Call 323.285.5450 or email Office@today for an estimate. As always, SYNC gets you what you need, when and where you want it!


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